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Counting down to Christmas is not the same for everyone………here are 5 things to help you at this time

For some it’s the best time of the year, for others it is the worst time of the year and there are still some who are on the fence… which group do you sit in?
There was a time when I looked forward to Christmas for several reasons…
First of all, it was a time to have a break from work as it was always super busy as we tried to sell sell sell to meet the budget and smash the previous year’s sales.
Secondly it was a time to spend with the family especially when the children were young and excited about what presents they would find under the Christmas tree. Would they get everything on their Christmas lists or not?

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Thirdly it was a time to celebrate by putting up Christmas decorations and to eat traditional food. Our family is a mix of Caribbean, African and British heritage, the food, and the traditions at Christmas are exciting, from black cake to Fufu and Waite soup to roasted turkey and mince pies. We catered for everyone.
Lastly but definitely not the least it was a time to worship and praise God for the birth of Jesus and what this means for us as believers. The carol and nativity service and other events in church around this time made the season extra, extra special.
I was clearly in the camp of those who celebrated everything Christmas. Unfortunately, I am now on the fence when it comes to the weeks and days leading up to Christmas. Since December 2020 my Christmas celebration changed with the loss of Marley. It is not the same anymore. Still, it is important to not get down and out around this time because you don’t feel like being merry and happy.

Here are 5 things to help you mentally get through this season which can be difficult if you have lost someone:

1.    Be thankful that you are here, you are alive as there is always someone who is worse off than you. You might be thinking that you have it bad but I have always found that there is someone who is in a worse situation than me. Losing Marley 14 days to Christmas is bad but 5 days to Christmas is worse.
2.    Plan some events that you enjoy with friends or family. It does not have to be something big or require too much effort. It can be as simple as going for a walk in the park, getting some fresh air especially if you live in countries where this time of the year it is cold and it gets dark early. Wrapping up in warm clothing and going for a walk with a friend can make all the difference.
3.    Plan something significant for the coming year, as early as just after Christmas or beginning of January gives you something to look forward to and count down to. After 2021, I made a promise to myself that I will plan and do something exciting after Christmas or in the new year. In 2022 I was able to go away on the day after Christmas to sunny St Lucia. It was only for 5 days but it was fantastic. Thinking about it leading up to Christmas really helped me not to focus on the sadness I had felt the previous year. This year I have another trip planned early January which I am looking forward to.

Something nice to think about when you feel low
Beach in St Lucia

4.    Start a new hobby. You might have something that you had wanted to do but kept putting it off. Why not start it now. There are so many options to choose from, I understand that hobbies where you create something are really great for improving your mental health such as woodworking, knitting, crocheting, cardmaking or model building to name a few.
5.    Lastly giving back to your community or to friends and family can also help you navigate this season. By giving I don’t necessarily mean money, giving of your time, singing carols at a home for elderly people or serving at a soup kitchen can be really fulfilling.
Whatever you do try to avoid just sitting at home and missing your loved one as it will make you sad and depress. It does not mean that you will not miss them but the more occupied you are the less you will miss them and the quicker the time will fly.

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